The Real Galactic Superweapon: The Skywalker Bloodline

So I was thinking about Star Wars the other day, as you do, and I had an entirely non-canon but interesting idea:

As you may have blocked from your mind along with the Midichlorians, Phantom Menace reveals that Anakin Skywalker was some sort of Force-spawned virgin birth. Later, in Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine spends a few minutes of screen time talking about Darth Plagueis’s forbidden Sith techniques that allowed him to create life, which hints rather strongly that Palpatine is Anakin’s personal Dr. Frankenstein.

So we have the Skywalker bloodline, a family of incredibly powerful Force users. But even with the best of intentions, they always seem to be teetering on the edge of the Dark Side. Even Luke’s first instinct when he senses that Ben might be a little too Dark Side for everyone’s good is to pull his freakin’ lightsaber and consider killing him in his sleep. Ironically, they tend to bring those good intentions with them when they fall to the Dark Side, and so are constantly teetering on the brink of falling back to the Light Side. Maybe more importantly, they’re all EXTREMELY vulnerable to Palpatine’s manipulations. He was able to shape Anakin and Ben’s entire Force-wielding careers without them even knowing it, and even Luke only needs a couple of minutes talking to him before he has to start making saving throws vs become the next apprentice.

Note that NONE of this seems to apply to the one Skywalker woman that we know of.

So here’s the idea: Palpatine is disappointed with his apprentices. Darth Maul is a raging berserker, a sledgehammer of a man without the subtlety to be a proper Sith. Count Dooku is more useful, but ultimately he’s (canonically!) an effete snob obsessed with lightsaber dueling. So Palpatine decides to create his own. He finds a slave on Tattooine who’s untrained but strong in the Force (Light side, but that just means she won’t try to use her Force Wunderkind for her own ends) and uses her as an incubator to create his own personal bloodline of Sith supersoldiers. He intends for them to be a weapon in his hand, a bloodline as a red lightsaber, but it doesn’t quite work out that way. Even with the back door he engineered into their minds to make them vulnerable to his manipulations, people who are strong in the Force are GOING to have strong wills. Also, Shmi’s strong natural inclination to the Light side may have thrown off his equations (and if it’s carried on the X chromosome, that explains Leia). So they proceed to alternately advance and frustrate his plans for the next sixty years, including killing him once, until he’s ready to just scrap them and start over with a bloodline he created the old-fashioned way.

That’s why the Skywalker bloodline had to die out by the end of the series. The Galaxy could never be safe with a bloodline of easily-manipulated Force superweapons running around.


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