I’m Back. Here’s What’s Next

Hey all.

I know it’s been quite a while since I posted here regularly. But I have good news for you: that’s about to change.

Monday, I will post the final chapter of The Economancer. After that, I will start posting regularly again with new material, mostly on Mondays and Thursdays.

But I have a more important announcement: starting next Thursday, I will be taking my short stories down from my blogs, and beginning to republish them on Amazon. As each is republished, they will be available for free download for the first five days, and thereafter on Kindle Unlimited. Better yet, there will be new stories coming soon!

Stay tuned!

Other News

In addition to the new story, check out the new Inspirational Media Page for a collection of Youtube clips that have entertained or inspired me over the years. I’ll be adding to that as time goes by.

And of course, I could still use help from anyone who has read and enjoyed Hometown. Please: if you’ve read it and if you’ve liked it, head on over to Amazon and leave a review. It makes a big difference in how they treat my book. And hey; while you’re there, you could consider leaving a review for my other books as well.