Spotlighted Link: Sartorially Smart Heroines

I meant to do this sooner, but it seems that I’ve managed to wait until exactly the right time.

Why is it the exact right time?  Because Sartorially Smart Heroines has come off hiatus!

(Okay, maybe I’m a little  late, since the hiatus actually ended almost two weeks ago, but still.)

(Though one could argue that the hiatus itself was on hiatus more often than not.)

As the name suggests, Sartorially Smart Heroines  is a blog that analyzes the outfits, costumes and armor of female characters from pop culture…not all of whom are actually heroines; the very first post I read on SSH was an analysis of Mama Gkika from the webcomic Girl Genius, who, like all the Jaegermonsters from that comic, is a war-loving super soldier who happens to be on the protagonists’ side.

It may seem an oddly specific niche – not that that’s anything unusual on the Internet – but it’s actually a very effective way to: 1) provide a feminist analysis of female bodies and how they’re presented in art and fiction; and 2) promote awesome female characters whose creators actually take them seriously.

And while you’re there, you can catch glimpses of the blogger’s upcoming fantasy novel First Empress, which I, personally, am eager to see completed.

Sartorially Smart Heroines puts up a new post every Sunday, and also has a presence on Tumblr.

2 thoughts on “Spotlighted Link: Sartorially Smart Heroines”

  1. And as well as grey-area characters like Mama Gkika, I have a “Villainesses” tag in the sidebar for those who appreciate well-dressed evil.

    Thanks for the signal boost, Matt!

    1. Glad to help! Btw, my thoughts on the latest excerpt are coming soon.

      Also, when you see a like or a tumblr message from seraph4377, that’s also me. A little quirk from my early days on tumblr that I don’t know how to fix.

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