I Have Received Some Advice

Hey All. Sorry I’ve been gone for a while. The holidays went pretty well. Visited family all over Central New York and the Southern Tier.

So I recently spoke to a friend of mine who has some experience in media marketing, and she pointed out something that I perhaps should have been able to figure out from my own experience over the past few years: very few people are willing to pay even 99 cents to download short stories from an unknown. I’d hoped that enrolling the stories in Kindle Unlimited might help – after all, once they’ve paid their subscription fee, they can read whatever they like for free, so why not my stuff? – but it didn’t work out that way.

My friend’s advice was to take my short stories down from Amazon and distribute them as far and wide as possible in the hopes of getting my name out, and I’ve decided to give it a try. Starting this week, I’m going to be taking my short stories down from Amazon and creating an archive both here and at my old blog where you can read them for free! I will also be looking for archives and journals that accept stories that have been previously published. If you have any suggestions in that regard, please let me know.

I’ll also be making a few other renovations based on my friend’s advice, so be on the lookout for – among other things – a rapid increase in the Reviews and Essays being transferred from my old blog. Interesting things happening!

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