Changeling is Available for Free Download Now Through Thursday!

Changeling Title

I thought that I’d change it up a little this week, and have the featured story be a romance instead of horror.  Of course, being who I am, even the romance is a bit uncanny.

If you want to see what I mean, head on over and download yourself a free copy of Changeling from Amazon.

And while you’re there, of course, check out the rest of the library.

Stories From Friends

Hey, all.

As you might suspect, I don’t spend all of my time online here at  One of my favorite places to spend time is at Slacktivist, which I’ll be writing about in more detail soon.

I’m not the only writer or blogger at Slacktivist, so I just thought I’d share a few of the hidden gems I’ve found there.

The first is from a commenter who goes by the handle of “Von Krieger”, and the idea is one I’ve seen before, but never quite this way:

Writing Prompt: Demons are not born, they are made from humans surviving in hell long enough

Warning: possible blasphemy.

The next is The Comforts of Winter by a commenter called AlyceInJeans, which is a spicy, erotic fantasy romance.  If you like it, Alyce tells me that there’s a sequel in the works.

BTW, readers, do any of you know anything about Inkitt?  Should I be trying to post any of my own work there?

And special thanks to the friend from Slacktivist who is the first (that I know of) to put on their blogroll:

Tools of the Trade